

shades of you
Life had no meaning for you until someone came along and brought out colors into your life. Write a poem on it.

In the darkness of my days, devoid of light,
I wandered lost, with no purpose in sight.
A life of gray, with no meaning or song,
Until you arrived and proved me wrong.

You brought with you a palette of hues,
Painting my world with vibrant views.
Your laughter, a melody, so sweet and clear,
Chased away my doubts and my fear.

Each day with you, a canvas so bright,
Filled with love, and joy, and pure delight.
You breathed life into my monochrome soul,
And made it whole, with colors untold.

Now, every sunrise, a masterpiece to behold,
Every sunset, a story of love untold.
With you by my side, the world's so alive,
No longer a struggle, but a wondrous jive.

You are the artist who brought me to bloom,
In your presence, my life found its perfume.
You gave me a reason, a purpose, a view,
And now, my world's painted in shades of you.

So thank you for bringing the colors to me,
For showing me just how vibrant life can be.
In your embrace, I've found my home,
And now, with you, I'll never be alone.
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