

Sometimes circumstances forces your hands and changes the way your life was planned.
And you find yourself stuck in the past, with every moment feeling like the last.
Suddenly everything in your life becomes predictable, stuck in a rut losing all self-confidence.
As you're beckoned to face the consequence.
But the future is a series of probabilities, made up of our decisions some leading to uncertainty.
As human beings we all have the capability to decide where in life we'd like our future to be.
But when circumstances dictate you can't change the hand of fate.
And your future becomes uncertain you're left stuck in the past, which then dictates your present.
None of which was your intent!!
And as strange as it may seems to be, all our visions and our dreams,
And the life we wanted to lead all become just make believe.
But with time you soon understand there are some things in life which is out of our hands.
Circumstances could make a decision which causes our plans and future to permanently change due to certain situations.
And you find the way to live your life, without your free consent following commands.
A single moment has change your life in ways you cannot understand.
Causing you to abandon all your dreams, leaving them behind with a worried mind.
Your life can turn on a dime in the blink of an eye and the things which made you laugh could one day make you cry!!

© Nicole 🍒 JoMoRo