

Every night it hurts more and more,
a sharp pain in my chest that causes my cry,
my tears roll down until they reach the floor,
again I end up asking the emptiness: 'why?'

Why does it hurt?
I thought that we were getting better,
I thought I could see the stars shining,
I thought I could escape this hell.

but it seems like the hell is a part of me,
the part that stabs my chest every night,
the part that I don't want anyone to see,
the part that tells me that I'm not alright.

It's hopeless isn't it?
living to suffer,
living to ache,
living to die.

All this pain, but I still want it,
I want to be alive, I want to live,
I want to breathe fresh air every single day,
I want to feel alive but I just can't.

The pain drowns me slowly.
I am drowning and I can't scream for help,
I tried ro scream but I lost my voice,
I want to keep hoping but I'm losing myself.

I pray to be found before it's too late,
before I loose the last drop of ink that's left,
before the dark blue ink fills my lungs,
before the last words dissolve in the water.

© poeticfairytales