

whispers in the Cosmos
In the boundless expanse, I stand so small,
A speck of dust in the cosmic sprawl.
The universe, grand, refuses to bend,
To make me special, to comprehend.

Yet, each night, I gaze at stars so far,
A hopeful heart yearning on a distant star.
Wishing upon them, with all my might,
For a glimpse of wonder, a moment so bright.

Countless stars, like dreams, light-years away,
I whisper my longings, night and day.
Hoping that someday, they'll hear my plea,
Grant me my wonderland, set me free.

For I am nothing but common, it's true,
Yet my dreams soar beyond skies of blue.
A longing soul, seeking a place to land,
In the arms of wonder, my wonderland.

The universe may not spin around me,
But within my heart, there's a fire that I see.
A hope that lingers, so fervent and grand,
To find my wonderland, in a far-off land.

So, I'll keep whispering to stars above,
As they paint the canvas of the night with love.
And though it may not be today or tomorrow,
I'll find my wonderland, free from sorrow.

In the vast embrace of cosmic art,
I'll uncover the treasures that lie in my heart.
For the universe may be too vast to concede,
But my wonderland awaits, my deepest need.

© Outraged Cat