The Survivor
The sky was red;
The streets were dark;
Clouds were heavy;
And began to drizzle;
She was alone
When he grabbed the chance;
The closer he came
The farther she ran;
Hitting the pit
She sprawled down!
He ran to her
With no intension to help!
She cried her heart out
But no doors opened hearing her cry;
He smelled her in such a way
That she hated her own fragnance;
The streets were dark;
Clouds were heavy;
And began to drizzle;
She was alone
When he grabbed the chance;
The closer he came
The farther she ran;
Hitting the pit
She sprawled down!
He ran to her
With no intension to help!
She cried her heart out
But no doors opened hearing her cry;
He smelled her in such a way
That she hated her own fragnance;