

The First
Just like that
We've leap-frogged 🐸 into a new month
Last of the first quarter 🌛
Nine more to make it whole
The first, auspicious it be known as
Revered and cherished amongst the rest
The first experience
Of anything, never one forgets
Others follow behind the first
Second, third, fourth & fifth
It's never quite the same for them
There's something about the first..
The firstborn in a family
A joyful celebration in itself
A daughter, a son
A grandchild, that none could forget
Your first day of a new job
The first wage packet that you earn
The first time you travel
Up and leave your home
The first time you discover true love
The kind that sets you free
That love stays with you always
That's love that's meant to be
The first poem you ever wrote
Strange, one never forgets
You can even recite it whole, if asked?
Or in part, if one forgets?
The first of anything, always makes its mark
I hope, you'll find also
Your own beautiful first's today
May they be beautiful, joyful blessings
On this, the first day of March

© PoetReBlossoms

1st March 2024