

Don't give up
Don't give up, just keep pushing on,
Though the road may be tough and long.
Believe in yourself and all you can do,
Success is just a step away from you.

When you feel like giving in,
Just remember where you've been.
All the battles that you've won,
And the strength that you have shown.

Take a deep breath, and raise your head,
You've got this, you're not dead.
Keep moving forward, step by step,
The finish line, you'll soon be met.

So don't give up, not just yet,
Your dreams are waiting, don't forget.
You're stronger than you know,
And the prize, it's yours to show.

So keep pushing, don't surrender,
And one day, you'll surely render.
A life full of happiness and glee,
And the world will see what you can be.
© mahrylove