

The Tree House
It talks about the tree as a house and it brings someadvantage to the animal and human, also makethem want to be with each other. ReflectionThis poem shows the inclusive of the nature toanimals and human. There is full of warm inside.

The poem:The best part of the story - Let’s go live in a treehouse.Although this tree house may not neat as a streethouse, but it fit for the animals living in or peoplerest, let them feel free and cozy.

Verse 1- A tree house, a free houseA big tree is a very useful. In summer, peoplecan sit under the tree for a rest with the soundof the leaves, “sa~sa~sa” these sound make usfeel very comfortable. And tree houses can letmany animals make a house for live, such asnice world, without discrimination, everyonecan stay in one place.

Verse 2- A secret you and me houseIt seems a happiness environment, the tree houseas their secret space, they can feel free to sharesecrets with the tree house. It makes readers feelinglived in and rest under this tree house is exciting,safety, warm and relaxing.

Verse 3-4A high up in the leafy branchesCozy as can be house. There is a tree house. There is very high,and many leaf that cover the views and can’tsee the outside clearly. When the wind blowing,we can listen to the nature concert—leaf andsome animals sound. When the sun rise, it isvery warm, and it seem can smell the taste ofwarmth, the taste of the sun. it’s a comfortableplace that I want to stay here.

Verse 5 - A street house, a neat houseA street house, a neat house provides a tidyenvironment, but it may not as cozy as tree housefor some animals to live in and let people to enjoystaying in. It is a constrained house, not free.

Verse 6-7 - Be sure and wipe your feethouseIs not my kind of house at all––But animals and people should clean their own feetbefore go in the street house for having a greattime. This is a little bit trammel. But my tree house isdifferent from those houses––My house is full offreedom.

Verse 8 - Let’s go live in a tree houseThis tree house may not a perfectionist house, itmay not how beautiful and magnificent. But it canlet us get warm and freedom. This is what I want.