

Rest in peace my emotions
Rest in peace my emotions, life keeps using and abusing me physically, you had to die so I could live mentally. The pain is unbearable, the tears fall uncontrollably because I'm tired. I sit and stare, wondering in despair hoping for a release from this psychological warfare. My heart breaking, my emotions overtaking, I'm weak but I had to kill you to live mentally.

There are some days, I smile bright while my insides are dark, my hands shaking, I don't feel like handshaking just cause my emotions are running wild someone please give me a guide, my entire lifestory feels like a homicide, I'm horrified, take me to the graveside to bury my emotions because you have to die so I can live mentally.

© Theresa♥️♥️♥️fromthe♥️♥️♥️

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