

Unexpected blooming flower

In a trance of a tiny lane
I followed, the tricky maze.
As I followed, I got lost in the unknown.

Tiny glass particles unseen yet
Prickly and filled with thorns.
My eyes glistened with tears
As my feet made contact with
The glass particles unseen

The pain, excruciating and blunt
At the same time, I'm lost.
I had already given up hope,
I thought I would be lost
in that maze forever but
I guess fate had something else in stored for me.

As my feet bled even more because of the force and pressure applied with walking,
my body grew weak and exhausted
with no hope of survival.

The maze grew darker and more harder to find a way out.
I searched and searched for an opening but there was none, not even a drop of sunlight to restore hope.

My body grew tired of walking
and just plopped down the hard cold ground where I wailed in pain.
I cried and cried untill
darkness engulfed me.

As my eyes opened, my mouth was dry as an oak tree's sternum.
I was far worse than a dehydrated leaf, my body was limp and frail.

I closed my eyes one last time
remembering my mother's last words before her departure, " there is always light at the end of each tunnel, my unexpected blooming flower' I smiled sadistically as I remembered the words of a woman who abandoned me.

As I opened my eyes again, I saw a pathway, that was never there before. I followed it and that was when I saw light. I smiled as hope was restored in my heart.
As I walked farther, I saw a pond full of fresh water, I drank the water in a rush,

As I was drinking the water endlessly, a woman's voice said behind me, "I knew you would make it, my little heartbeat" I turned to look at her and I gasped looking at the woman who birthed me.

Tears threatened to fall from my eyes as I realized that I was the flower she once told me about
and that flower just unexpectedly bloomed

Tammaya Zaya

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