

✨Like a racing cheetah on its peak,my heart beats loudly to its highest.This does not come abruptly for it is now inevitable for me to feel this way anytime he crosses my mind.
✨Uncombered I am yet restless I feel at each thought of him. He has grasped the soul of my heart,leaving no chamber free. My love for him is implicit yet I feel a huge gap,like an abandoned street I feel,though he talks to me each day.
✨ Laying on the ground I face the immaculately created sky,listening to the cheerful singing and chirping of the birds.But as soon as he's image pops up,my mind gets tangled up in different rushing thoughts,that no migraine can be compared.
✨He says he loves me and want to believe but the thought of our worlds eats and swallows me whole. Its like a vacuum sucking all my dreams and joys about us. To some this might be immaterial but I can't help but have these ills.
✨ Why do I feel this is I'll fated,
When will this trauma cease,
Where do I go to find atleast solace,
What should I do kibosh it all? These are questions that repeatedly circle around all the walls of my mind. Like trapped children in an escape room,it is not impossible to escape but as equally hard.
✨ They say success comes to those who know that life is born first in thought,seek the vision before the deed and align the deed to the vision. I see a future for us but also our downfall. I can't help but be a pessimist when it comes to the one person who has been able to remove my heart from its cage and enabled me see the bright lights of life.
✨Im gun shy fo our different worlds,I'm I going to be able to live up to his family legacy. He is of a Lustrous family while I'm from a middle class family. Will his family accept me to be perfect for their son or treat me as otherwise. He says he does not care about status or background so long as I have the qualities he needs.I'm comforted by these generous words but they don't stop me from thinking of worst.

✨I will hold on because he is worth fighting for,worth suffering for and worth living for. If it means I must spend the rest of my life mending our worlds,so be it. So long as he is with me to be my strength and comfort.
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© @Tamara N