

Thank You For Your Time
I've decided to try and understand my feelings.. I know this is an odd statement, but it's one that leads to healing.

Being with you taught me many things about the face I see in the mirror. It's becoming a reflection of beauty, over one of flaws. I'm starting to really like myself, negatives and all.

I still have envy, and still compare myself to others. But really at the end of the day, I'm just like everyone else, just another number.

This isn't a bad thing, but a fact of life, and being with you is what.. well I guess what helped me see the light.

So I'll continue on & appreciate the time we had. I'll move towards learning my feelings, chasing ambitions, and looking back on memories past.

Thank you for all that you've done, thank you for the love we shared. Hopefully one day, we can be friends, and continue without any tears.
© Andy P