

The kiss of death.
The days were unending as were the nights,
She waited and waited and waited,
But there seemed no hope in sight…
she felt no hope and saw no light,
Her mind was in a state of mutiny,
Her emotions were ranging high,
The burning passion within
made her more defiant, rather than shy,
Her world of obsession and love,
seemed to bring fresh tirades of misery,
she grew into a whirlpool of treachery,
For she felt herself, a wounded serpent
wounded by deceit,
It brought in a change to her soft mind,
That was placid...
she transformed herself into an inferno
of eternal disdain and gloom,
she was a star that felt like
meeting her eclipse rather soon,
For she gave her all to his man,
whom she held as her own,
But the wretched fellow