

Dreams of death!
In my dreams, a monster haunts me, again, as always. I'm always scared of the night, because I die at nights.
Last night, it drew closer, and swung it trident, struck my bare chest deep, finding my heart, twisting every ounce of it as I stood helpless watching myself drown in a pool of my own blood,
while I couldn't move he pulled the trident out and struck me again, this time thrusting the weapon through my neck, and I choked.
Dying..., bleeding, I fell like a log of wood to the drenched floor spilled with my own blood. I could see death, feel death and dying death.
My body hits the drenched bloody floor with frosty water, I woke up immediately, aggressively, trying to scream like one who's been choked to death by a witch.
My eyes blinking wide open as I stood up, sat on the scattered mattress breathing heavily, romancing my whole body for blood, stab wounds and water, but nothing.
god, I am dried and unhurt. It was a dream! a death dream. I had woken up from a nightmare. I'm not dead.

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