

Nights of Winters
A cool breeze
touches the skin
while i meet my self
the stars are twinkling
at the sky of winter
i keep staring at those
talking with soul of me
it's a long time since
i meet the soul then
when I was with
the soul of happiness
my love is increasing
every night
with the soul of night
the soul of night
that keeps me safe for a while
in the nights of winters...
the nights of winners
gives me a warm heart
where I can meet me
and can love unconditionally...
i am in love
with the nights of winters
where I can spent a long night
after passing
the hard times
within the walls of busyness,
nights of winters
gives me the place
in the lap of whom
i can give me a good night sleep
nights of winters
gives me those breeze
and stars that twinkling...
nights of winters
gives hands towards me
that fill with love..

© Divya