

Knowing True Christmas
In Bethlehem He was a stranger,
I do not know whether He came in winter or summer,
Only i know He laid in a Manger.
Never understand the jingle bells,
I only know the joyful sounds of the heavenly Angels,
He was born to save me from the hell.
I am confused about Christmas tree,
Only understand JESUS died to set me free,
Took my curse to redeem hanging on a tree.
I can not ignore my Heavenly Father,
Diverting my focus to unknown Christmas father,
I do not know him; he is always stranger.
Christmas turkey or chicken fry,
With out JESUS, no Salvation; life become dry,
Hypocrisy celebration makes JESUS cry.
All about, WORD was made Flesh,
To bring grace & peace; born to die on Cross,
Won victory over sin, death and curse.
For me outward tiresome preparation,
Seasons of festivals leads to traditional prison,
True Christmas brings Heavenly reconciliation
Let us love & pray for each other,
By taking the burden like a brother's keeper,
Stir up our love & consider one another.
© sukhendunayak