

God's Unconditional Love
All of the hurt and disappointment bottled up inside. I want to get off of this crappy ride! There seems to be no such thing as real love on this lonely ferris wheel.

I look around all over the place and no trace of any happiness, just sad and faces that receive no grace.

As I walk down this path I only see hardships and tradgies. Tears running down swollen faces.

There is no trust because of someone else's lustful desires, so out come all the vengeful vampires. They suck out all that is left of this who believe that love should begin and last.

I sit down and stare blankly off as the cold air hits my now tear soiled skin. I pray to God to please come back and set things rights again.

I can not survive in this loveless and hate filled world I live in. I am slowly dying inside because I long to feel God's unconditional love again.

RB 10/29/2023
© Rhonda Broker