

"The Silent Wait."
The days were unending as were the nights,
She waited and waited and waited,
But there seemed no hope in sight…
Her heart, a canvas of faded lights.

Whispers of dreams danced just out of reach,
Echoes of laughter, the lessons they teach.
In shadows she lingered, lost in the haze,
Counting the moments in a silent maze.

Yet deep in her soul, a flicker remained,
A spark of resilience that couldn't be tamed.
With each passing hour, she learned to embrace,
The beauty in stillness, the strength in her grace.

For every dark night must yield to the dawn,
And even the longest of waits must move on.
So she stood with her heart open wide,
Ready to welcome whatever would guide.

The hope that had fled now began to return,
In the warmth of the sun, her spirit would burn.
For though days were unending and nights felt so long,
She discovered within her a powerful song.

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