I like the hospital for its paradoxes
In the spiralling seemingly endless hallways
At one end is a mother crouching down
And kissing her dying child on the cold bleached floor
At the other is a girl being presented a green card
As she wheels through the hospital with applauds ringing all around
I like the paroxysm heaving in the air
A family bursting into fits of laughter and smiles
As the father is being bid farewell from his disease
A bald hag screaming and screeching the floors
In the spiralling seemingly endless hallways
At one end is a mother crouching down
And kissing her dying child on the cold bleached floor
At the other is a girl being presented a green card
As she wheels through the hospital with applauds ringing all around
I like the paroxysm heaving in the air
A family bursting into fits of laughter and smiles
As the father is being bid farewell from his disease
A bald hag screaming and screeching the floors