

As I lie on my bed now reminiscing
over the life of those now missing
I hear voices in my head screaming
the voices of those now missing
I hear voices of students and teachers
and even of those who were once preachers
those who were poor and those who were richer
even the humble slaves and the great butchers

Some I knew and some I never met
others my friends, class and school mate
people with whom from the same plate I ate
as though on an invite, as though it was a date
Some went to work and never came back
others went out with their lovely lunch pack
a few were given time to properly pack
but the bitter truth in all, they never came back

The good book says weep not as those without faith
but sometimes it feels like this is only but a bait
to trick us into accepting our awful and ill fate
to make us smile at the thing we most hate
Alas! This faith is all that helps us move on
though the wounds leave scars like that from a burn
we have no idea what happens when they pass on
but we believe with faith, into a new life they are born

© Obigwe Elizabeth