

Thank you dear Dogs
Loud bangs come from the kitchen
I shiver in my bed, hiding again
No matter how much I try to avoid
Hearing their words always creates a void.

Nail biting? My body shivering?
It's all known to me but something
Is missing, heavy sighs won't hide it
The warmth giving candle is not lit.

From my window I can see
A beautiful sunset, so far from me
The house stands soundless
Perfect time for me to find my happiness.

My rusty old bicycle races down the hill
The wind hits my face, brakes down until
My eyes begin to glisten upon the sight
A pack of dogs, my only light.

Like little eager kids they touch me
Like I am someone loveable, if only
That's not the truth, it doesn't matter
It's enough for me that they care.

A beating or a scolding leaves a scar
Life is just, for me, a continuous war
Yet I am happy that I can, everyday
Say "Doggies, what should we play today?!"
© @Ice