

Sigma Means to Me
I am more than just a lone wolf
You thought that being alone
Is the end of the world but I,
Quite the opposite, it makes me
Happier as the introverted type of

A guy who use my energy very well
I am silent but I'm also observant
You may taught others that mysteries
Unfold within my actions, relevant
As you told, I can tell you Maxwell

The world you're in doesn't revolve around her
So be careful about love, you may seem I'm erratic
That is true, but you don't know me completely
What capabilities of my brain capacity, how poetic
This is me reasonably honest to you, there's another

Waiting for you, willing to serve you forever to eternity
So intense, I didn't attend to your farewell party
I just wanted peace of a mind, solitude, full awareness
Since then, my friend you know I'm busy lately
It's no excuse, you know me I leave in absence for serenity.

Solo flight takes over distress, my carefree soul
Climb across the cliff or mountains for growth
You may wonder if what's going on with my head
Learning is fun, admit it you learnt from me, bland as broth
A robot who grouch too much to express awful

I know what I'm doing, so let me do it
Sharpening the blade, narrow your focus
Target those bullseye achievable goal aren't they
Hurry up, I'm not a rush Olympic who discus
Please God don't make me a Devil's conduit.

I am rare because loyalty is my specialty
Comfortable being selective and contemplative imply
After absorbing the negative energy surrounds
Rather enjoying the vibes instead draining me constantly
Checking my vital signs thru my journal for safety.

Considering I am a master of my own fate
See, I don't care about your judgements or opinion
Your pending approval or unreliable validation isn't needed
Maybe, none of this should be an entire conversation
I am confident, self-reliant, enigmatic, reserved as my value

There's more in me that you didn't realize
I can lead without exertion of authority seen
Through example of how respect subordinate it meets the eye
Adapting change sometimes made me even
Creative, independent, defying rules et cetera...