

I Asked
When you think this is end..try to start a new fresh beginning..! 🍁
"Should I just give up now !?"
I asked the sea ,
"What do you think should you stand still or just bow ??"
The aroma of the sea was calling for me,
"I'll take you in come drown in me"
Spread its arms and said the sea.

"Should I forgive them for their deed!?"
I asked the tree
"Forget and forgive..Plant new seed"
With lots of joy said the tree
"Let all those go and make yourself free"
With a huge smile said the tree

"Should I give up!? i'm really tired of this all "
I asked the waterfall
"Go to him , He'll accept you with all his love"
Said the waterfall looking above.

"Why am i so alone ?"
"Will it matter if i'm gone ?"
"Is this broken princess always worthless ?"
"Am i the only one who can't enjoy the melody ?"
"Is it because everything i do feels like a felony ?"
I asked the whole nature
"Every little creation is precious , My creature..!"
Said the nature
"You'll get your answers from the one who's always with you..even in your future"
Forwarded it's hands and said the nature.

"Will you Give me the answers which I have been seeking for !?"
I asked the mirror
"Start a new journey from the shore"
Pointed at me and said the mirror ;
Pointed at a new way and said the old mirror.
All my despair got smashed ,
When I got the answers for the questions ;
"I asked" :)
Maybe just a meaningless poem..I was just randomly scribbling , but then I think this has some meaning .
The sea , tree , waterfall , nature think them as people..just as them many people will give you different answers ,, some may motivate you and some dimotivate and some may not give you the answer but guide you to answer..but at the end you'll find your answer within yourself 🖤😸

#dorai #doraetry #doraipoems

© Dorai