

Sinking Boat
The boat, once proud upon the sea,
Now succumbs to fate's decree.
Slowly sinking, its timbers creak,
As the ocean's grasp grows bleak.

The water engulfs its weary frame,
A dance of darkness, a haunting game.
Sunlight fades, replaced by gloom,
As the depths become its tomb.

Silent whispers fill the air,
As bubbles rise, a final prayer.
Creatures of the deep, curious and cold,
Witness the vessel's story unfold.

Memories of voyages past,
Of adventures that could never last.
Now swallowed by the ocean's abyss,
A tragic end, a mournful kiss.

Yet in this melancholic scene,
A beauty lingers, serene.
For even in its watery grave,
The boat finds peace, a tranquil enclave.

And as it rests upon the ocean floor,
It becomes a home, forevermore.
A sanctuary for creatures small and grand,
A testament to nature's guiding hand.