

He drops on the sandy folds, Of a deathly bed, ......
He drops on the sandy folds,
Of a deathly bed,
A lost traveler of a mighty desert,
Parched throat, cracked skin,
He is his own Messiah,
Or another vagabond victim...
r victim of the merciless sun

He drops on the sandy folds,
Exhausted from his journey long,
His body weak, his spirit bold,
He's a traveler lost in a desert song.

Parched throat, cracked skin,
The sun has taken its toll,
He's fighting a battle he cannot win,
But still he holds onto his soul.

He walks alone in this barren land,
No one to hear his desperate cries,
He's at the mercy of the scorching sand,
But he refuses to give in to the lies.

For he is his own Messiah,
A survivor in this desolate place,
He'll keep going, his will on fire,
Determined to win this endless race.

Or is he just another victim,
Of this merciless sun,
Destined to meet a fate so grim,
His journey ended before it's begun.

But he'll keep walking, with head held high,
For he knows the power of his will,
And even if he has to crawl and try,
He'll keep going, for he's a warrior still.

He drops on the sandy folds,
And takes a breath, before he stands,
For a lost traveler of a mighty desert,
Is a survivor in this harsh land.