

Keep it Real
The candlelight is glowing
There's music in my ears
My mind is lost down memory lane
I don't notice all the tears
Until the ink is bleeding
Cross the paper, down in truth
It's only then, I realize
I'm crying over you
I haven't done that in so long, now
I thought that part of me had healed
But I guess that it's not done with me
There's one last pain to feel
It didn't have to be this way
From the night that you walked out
Except we had to change and grow
Into the people we are, now
And for that change to happen
We each had to break
To find out what we're made of
And learn from our mistakes
That knowledge, damn, it's bittersweet
For all its painful truth
I had to learn to stand alone
You had to learn a different view
Perhaps I'm wrong to say that
In this, babe, I'm still me
All I can do is keep it real
And write it how I see.
© kristy ellison flake