

The Tears Which You Dropped
In silent nights, when darkness cloaks the world,
The tears you dropped, like diamonds, softly pearled.
Each glistening drop, a story left untold,
In their gentle descent, secrets unfold.

They fell like rain from stormy skies above,
A testament to a heart wounded by love.
Yet in those tears, a strength did reside,
A silent courage, a will to abide.

The tears you dropped, a river of emotion,
Navigating the currents of life's vast ocean.
They whispered tales of joy and sorrow,
And in their reflection, a brighter tomorrow.

With each tear shed, you found your way,
Through the darkest night, into the light of day.
The tears you dropped, a testament to your grace,
In every drop, a journey to embrace.
© WisdomWords