

Blooming Morning

Bright morning light,
Rays of it slipping between the gaps,
Of a curtain with the color of velvet,
Awakening to the sound of the birds chirping,
And the body finishing it's rest,
Eyes being rubbed upon,
The curtain being open,
Giving a view of lush greenery,
A garden bearing fruit,
Of flowers blooming,
Of the grass green with life,
The shrubs standing beneath the sunlight,
Leaflets and leaves swaying from the ground,
Of the wind visiting,
Sending the birds flying overhead,
Their wings fluttering,
Leaving their calls as their last words,
Hearing it swirling into your ears,
Closing your eyes,
With a smile on your face,
As you open the sliding doors,
Embracing the beauty of nature,
Even just for a small moment,
A small spot,
In the earth,
Inside a solar system,
Inside a galaxy,
In a universe that we know that in which we live in.

© Renno B. Nel