

Break the dark silence
Your lives begin to end the day
you become silent about the matter
There is no disgrace in being a survivor
of sexual violence,
the shame is on the aggressor
nothing with you...
Never be ashamed of;
it means you were stronger
than whatever tried to hurt you.

Survivors are not victims;
but warriors in invisible battles.
It's not your fault,
no matter what happened
Speak out!..

Justice will not be served until
those who are unaffected
are as outraged as those who are...
Sexual violence is not just a
women's issue,
it's a societal issue.
It's about our collective humanity.

It's not the bruises on
the body that hurt
but the wounds of the heart and
the scars on the mind...

Rise up and say to all those who would
prey on our children and our neighbors:
"Their time is up"
Break the dark silence.


© Aboorva