

social anxiety
afraid to walk the streets
id rather be home, alone.
everyone’s staring at me
i wish id stayed home, on my own.
there’s a crowd coming my way
what do i do? what do i say?
do i go? do i stay?

all these questions, answers unknown
no one to talk to, no one to phone
be the big man, face the crowd strong
listen to some music, your favourite song
they’re looking at me weird, did i do something wrong?

ignore it and maybe it’ll go away
“hello ma’am, take this survey?”
“of course” i say, too afraid to say nay
what do i write? this feels like an essay
sexual orientation, straight or gay?
are you religious? do you pray?
the lord we should obey
oh what a cliche
THINK! a way to delay this embarrassing display
“non, parlais vous français
earphones in, listen to tate mcrae

‘feel like shit’ no way! me too.
here we arrive, Cafe Rue
oh great,...