

maa ❤️

They say I resemble Mummy
But, for now ,just with the looks .
It's not my cup of tea to match
The labor she does , while
Busy in her daily chores .

Like a shadow, like a light
She is the one who always guides.

from Don't do this to Don't do that
To Do Whatever you want ,I don't care
No this Anger is not so rare.
Occasionally mummy"s are Seen
Discontent with their own kid. True,
But Not completely the Truth.
They pretend they aren't satisfied
With idiots like us;still Nobody
On the Earth could adore the way they do.

Like a Shadow , like a Light
She is the one who guides.
Easily tackles the biggest hurdles,
Keeps me motivated, Show me the way
Make me aware that failures and Miseries
Are just the passing clouds, And
Happiness and success will touch my feet again.

© Mishraiin