

Good Men Do Exist
I can feel the love from her smile but sadness from her eyes
The most wonderful woman who's been mislead by the bad man's lies
Now she believes all men are dogs and erased love from her vocabulary
Thinking it exist only in fairy tales, a world that's beyond imaginary
It's so sad cause she no longer sees her own beauty or believes her own words
Doesn't even know how great she is and what she really deserves
And what's that you ask it's a real man who loves without pretending
Someone who'll open her eyes and help her believe in Happy Endings
A man who'll actually listen and help lift some of the burdens
A guy who'll hold her in his arms to comfort her when she's hurting
Someone who'll empower her with strength and resolve,
Becoming so powerful that she starts to evolve.
But her eyes may never open because she's in so much pain,
She has closed her heart to the world and only thinks with her brain.
Now a brick wall protects her core reinforced with steel,
Her emotions have become so numb she forgot how love truly feels.
Her Prince Charming could be right here, if only she's open to passion,
Love can never expire, it can truly be everlasting.
She needs a man who's tough, not one who acts like he is,
Someone who'll step up when he needs to be a father to his kids.
She deserves a real man in her life not some childish little boy,
Who flashes money like he's rich but in reality he's unemployed.
How do I know Good Men exist and it's not part of a story,
Because I am one of those men who easily fits that category...
© Gary Cliff