

A dreadful experience,
one unneeded and unwanted.
An abyss full of incarnated demons.
heartlessness over- turned.
splitting and tearing...
Blood and water...

I bled,
I am stripped, scorned and voraciously sore like a helpless woman.
And before the wounds heals,
I bled again.

Unpleasant pleasure of long sharp arrows,
making their way into...

The devil's thought.
The devil's Agenda.
Kill, Steal, Destroy.

Pain, Loads.
Loud pain, Burden, Struggle.
Screaming, Crying...
Loud Screams, Crying...
Silence, Tears.
Untold suffering, Tears.

Fear taken.
Hatred consumed.
Anger fueled.
Fight to let lose.
Struggle to let go.
Fight for freedom.

Unable to,
pain, struggle and tears intertwined.
memories unforgettable.