

another Roachment story.
Crime is done with full impunity,
Crime Scene is every House,
Every Storey..
No Guard, No moccasin..
They know their ways to break in.
Like a Spree, cases of Roachment,
Piling in.
No Police couldn't yet barred their, encroaching..
Young faint heart girls are at their mercy,
To whom they approached secretly,
When they're busy in their make up,
And contouring.
Ogling them, with their compound eyes,
Twisting their flickering moustaches roguely,
With a cunning smile, they,
Wriggled towards them insidiously,
No scoundrel could have dared,
The pandemonium,these miscreants create.
The foundation is dribbling on floor,
The eye liner has gotten out of control,
Mascara is smeared every where...
The mirror showing, grotesque face..
The piercing scream could be heard,
Up to street...
Making everyone stopped with,
Inquisitive peep.
Rattling doors and shattering panes,
All house hold is up to their feet..
Searching all nooks and creaks.
But rogue has already taken sneak,
Fled for another victim to seek.
Another Roachment Story gone,
No plea has been filed, no laws enacted.

The "# Me too" couldn't have brought so many accusers affront... but,
If any time this "# Me Roachment", movement has taken a sweep..
These Cockroach accusers and
affectees will ,
Fill Street after Street...,

But the Question is.... what will be their Slogans...Any innovative idea??? 🤯💩👺

Mhnhsn intelligent endeavors..

© mhnhsn