

The Grief Stricken Night
We don't believe
in lies but we believe in what
we have each been taught,
but some teach us lies others teach us
to grieve but none ever expect
that vengeance might curse our paths
and lead us each down darker
paths at some point;
we know that lies are wrong yet at times
we lie to ourselves without
realizing it has already come to be
we know now that the
grief stricken night has its winds
but those winds blow our beliefs asunder.
We live for
those people left behind
in times so dark and troubling ,
we don't really return
to whom we once were we become wiser
with the passing of time
even if blood should ever
be on our own hands ;
now it's up to us to make the right choices
for ourselves and not be
led astray by our bloodlust
for the blood of those who had wronged
us for reasons unknown
we must not be led into
darkness of a storm
within our hearts .
© Rachel Brown

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