

Elizabeth Millwood Pruitt
On July 3rd, 2020...7 months after losing her youngest son...my baby sister also lost her best friend. Knowing Elizabeth myself, and after asking my sister, many questions about the friendship between her and Elizabeth, I wrote this, as if from her, to read at her friends memorial..........

The light in you may no longer shine,
For strangers they'll never see,
But I know the life you gave,
I'll keep it bright inside of me.

All the cup of coffee mornings,
Late night laughing and your box of wine.
I must continue to do these with you,
If only in my heart and mind.

Animal advocate, loving wife and mother
Being nanna to that little boy
Everytime you talk about him,
You always light up with joy.

No matter how down you were feeling
You still lit up everyone's face
Your smile alone would have done it
But you showed ..much heart, much love,....such grace.

Why do I have to be missing you?
I miss you so much, My Lizzy,
But my favorite nickname i gave you,
I’ll miss most...calling you….Little Sissy.

Biblical Saints and Queens still to date,
The name you share with the rest,
Inside and out, an angel, amazing,
Elizabeth, this name fits you best.

Devastated, hurting, not knowing why,
Life could be a little more fair,
He is choosing the most loving beauties,
With crystal eyes and golden hair.

An angel is how I describe you,
In my life you brought me such joy,
Keep smiling and shining in heaven,sweet friend,
Til I get there, look after my boy!
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