

Devil in Disguise
You are so radiant in the daylight. A source of goodness and direction You behave as though you're a real, immaculate angel. You preach the word of God with such grace, but I see the darkness in your countenance. And deep down, I see the devils in you. Have you ever stripped down to your naked soul? Have you exposed the darkness you wear to others? Your inner sinner, so skillfully concealed hiding behind the clothes of a saint's charm, few people are aware of the real you. As the others are carried away by your wave, blinded...However, each dishonest thing you do causes you to lose some of your angelic color. You shall be occupied with darkness and unimaginable void, there will be no adoration or praise only sin.
Your facade will crumble, your true self revealed
The demon in angel's clothing, finally unsealed
So heed this warning, oh deceiver so sly
For in the end, the truth will not deny
Your reckoning will come, your downfall near
The demon within you, finally clear.
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