

I Pray For You
Some days were up
Some days were down
Some days I'd feel just like a clown
I'd fix on a smile but I feel I could cry
On other days I'd feel like I was on a real high
At the drop of a hat I'd feel I should die
Feeling so worthless that I'd think what's the point
I'd take to my bed or I'd smash up the joint
I'd feel I'm not worthy of anyone's praise
The trauma inside me a permanent graze
But help was there for me after a bad episode
I had a choice to accept or definitely erode
Now four years later my days mostly are up
If you're offered help you should drink from that cup
My days mostly perfect I wish you the same
I know it's a struggle to get your head in the game
One day at a time is all I can say
Soon your life will be like mine I hope and I pray .

# Beating the Demons

© The Imposter 💚🙏