

Camera eye
In the realm of lens and light they stand,
Camera eyes that capture every strand.
A silent gaze, a watchful stare,
Unseen observers, everywhere.

Through pixelated visions they peer,
Capturing moments far and near.
In every corner, every nook,
The camera eye's unblinking look.

Through cityscapes and wild terrains,
They witness joy, they witness pains.
A tapestry of life unfolds,
In pixels, stories are retold.

Through sunsets painted in hues divine,
To urban streets where shadows intertwine.
Reflections in each lens reveal,
The tapestry of life, so surreal.

Yet, amid the lenses cold and clear,
There's a yearning for what's truly near.
For human touch and warmth of heart,
Beyond the frames, a life to impart.

So let us cherish moments real,
Embrace the warmth that we can feel.
For in this gaze, though pixels thrive,
The essence of life, it's the heart that's alive.
© zayd