

Cinders In The Shadows
Cinders in the Shadows

In the forest of feelings, an inferno rages-Each flame, a chapter from life's bitter pages.
From love's charred remains, resentment rises like smoke;twisting, turning skyward, a dark and choking cloak.

Amidst these smoldering ruins, indifference take its stand, As a cold, creeping shadow stretching over the land.It blankets all in silence, like frost on autumn leaves,turning warmth to memory, as the heart quietly grieves.

In this frozen stillness, even hope begins to shiver,Quivering in the twilight, a faint and fading ember.Cinders in the shadows,revealing paths untaken, exhaustion weaves with courage, to journeys reawakened.

© RebekahRainnPoetry

find me in Instagram: @rebekahrainn 🙏🏽
could use all the support!
