

Love beyond souls through words!
In the quiet of their pages, they found each other,
Two souls connected not by touch, but by words,
Where sentences and paragraphs drew them close,
And in their unspoken moments, thoughts intertwined.

Every letter they wrote was like a gentle touch,
Creating a shared world with each line,
Their love blossomed in the art of writing,
A delicate dance where their hearts connected.

Through their metaphors and verses, they communicated,
Their souls wove together in a literary embrace,
In their sonnets and stories, their love grew stronger,
Each paragraph became a sacred space for their bond.

In the margins and notes, their soft whispers lived,
Their hearts beat in rhythm with each word,
A melody of language, unwavering and true,
Their love formed an unbreakable, written bond.

No physical touch could match the depth of their connection,
No glance could capture the essence they shared,
In every chapter, their love took shape,
A timeless link that surpassed all boundaries.

So in the stillness of their words, they met,
Through written language, their love was whole,
A love that resonated with every heartbeat,
Found in the pages where their spirits connected.
© Amit