

Dreams also have emotions!
What are dreams?
They are the feelings which we have locked inside our hearts for a very brief period of time,
They are the only possessions that we lust for,
They are the only non-materialistic things,
They are smart and have a symbiotic relation with us,
They give you happiness only if you give them success,
They are afraid of you, when you break them and shatter their trust,
They become sad if your success is transferred a bit late to them,
They are frieghtened to be killed by you when you get hypnotised by another person's dream,
They express hatred if you love another dream,
They are unhappy if you choose pieces of demoralizing paper over them,
But they are gay when your frown is converted into a magnetic and alluring grin. That is the time they get united to you and not a soul can disband and create refractions between you and the dream.
Such are dreams. Lovely. Nightmare. Cruel. Greedy. And to sum up it is your dream u decide what you want your dream to be.
© Krishna Parmar