

Time Changes Everything
From a girl who used to be innocent to a Lady whom the world called intelligent.... Time Changed Everything.

From a girl who used to fail in mathematics to a Lady for whom the entire class ran to be explained the complex problems.... Time Changed Everything.

From a girl who used to be so shy and care for what others had to say or feel to a Lady who now doesn't even care of others and their opinions.... Time Changed Everything.

From a girl who used to fear of being judged to a Lady who expresses herself without any doubt or second thoughts... Time Changed Everything.

From a girl who used to cry her heart out when someone rejects her to a Lady who understands her self-worth and feels that the ones who cannot see the beauty of her doesn't even deserve to be the part of her life... Time Changed Everything.

From a girl who used to worry for every problem to a Lady who now awaits for the upcoming problem so as to test her strength..... Time Changed Everything .

Time is the parameter which defines our life... without which we have got no growth, experience, Ascension and even existence.

Time is what holds every answer for our every question.... just believe it... Time Changes Everything!!!!
© Lasya Shaivite