

curious minds
many people ask me what goes on inside your head?
I reply nothing with a smirk, nothing at all.....
as my twisted thoughts rollercoaster inside my brain.
loop after loop thrill after thrill, thank God I dont get motion sickness, or my insides would spill.
Busts of laughter, from nothing at all, my mind is doing it again,
trick after trick, who are you I ask my thoughts, knowing today it could be any of them.
Stop fucking with me just be silent.
No, you shut up, dont make me make you, the voices go mute,
they know ill do it and make them go away for a long time, so they stop.
just in time, the drugs make them go away for a while,
or at least im not there and someone takes over, its tiring to be constantly pulled in all directions. All the yelling and fughting, shut the fuck up!
Please God make them stop before I do.
As I cock my loaded glock, I swear this time I will, I cant take it anymore.
Everyone thinks im fucking crazy, they look at me like im a freakshow, im not here for your amusement. These jerks wont be quite, its not me, leave me alone. Stop it.....
The police always harassing me thinking im crazy, get the fuck away from me.
I didnt choose to hear them, they picked me, probably cause im the only one who would listen. Stupid me,
Go away, your causing me too many problems,
I wish i could figure out who murdered you, so you stop talking to me.
it was me, i did it.
problem solved.

rip dear friend...... paranoid schizophrenia awareness

© unlaced