

[ The Path ]
Don’t hesitate to write
The moment you feel inspired
Because it doesn’t take much
To kindle these fires
Passions are fleeting
Lost in a dream
And by the time that you wake up
They are never the same

So step to it, lively
Let the song spring from your heart
And if the audience applauds
It’s a bonus to impart
But if they mock and ridicule
Don’t you waiver from delight
For if the heart can rejoice
There’s no need to cave into spite

I’ve felt that very sting before
Feeling ashamed of something joyful
To embarrassed to stand my ground
And to myself, no longer loyal
And then what’s the point
If self cannot be fulfilled
Identity without purpose
Holds nothing which to build

And all because we yield
To the judgements of the lifeless
And all because we think
That sacrifice is righteous
But living self-condemned
Is the antithesis of envy
Who taught us that such a life
Was anything but deadly

It’s time to open these coffins
In a hope of resurrection
That we may break from the binds
Of a mindset’s infection
That we may heal from the pain
We sustained in suppression
That we may follow our dreams
Without any questions

Because when I was young
My imagination ran wild
Not a height I couldn’t reach
Set my sights beyond child
And I clung to my dreams
As they breathed in existence
And when death tried to follow
It was met with resistance

Yet somewhere along the line
I betrayed who I am
And I sacrificed dreams
To the systems of man
And ever since that day
I’ve been cursed to lament
And it’s corrupted me so
That I feel ashamed to repent

So now there’s two gods
That dwell in my mind
One that yet dreams
While the other lies blind
And I’m left to decide
Where I’ll take my steps
The path to my dreams
Or the path to my death

© HeartOfBabel

#HeartOfBabel #Babel #GaratheDen