

does the sun know it’s a star?
Does a star know it’s burning ?
Leaves know theyre turning?
Does the earth know it rotates?
Or even that it holds
Tiny little people
Who somehow each glow
And are complex and small
Does the earth even know?
Does a brain know it’s conscious?
A heart must keep beating?
That emotions are fleeting?
And it’s simply life?
If a star knew it was burning
It would probably cry
Those who look up ,
only see beauty in the sky
If leaves knew they changed
With the wind and the rain
They’d probably embrace
what they knew was out of range
If people knew
How little we are
They would feel sadness
For that little glowing star
For those fall changing leaves
For the earth that huffs and heaves
And that sun that burns, all we see
Is a light
Did you know the sun is a star?
So in a way, we should still be in awe
As the stars form a little picture
The sun is art on its own
So just like the leaves may fall and fly
And just as the stars explode and die
We, in a way, might be the same
So bit by bit
Relight your flame
- life should be lived

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