

Silence 🤫
Itself a beautiful one and a Beautiful Meaning
Like you can understand spoken words,
You can't understand silence
It's a powerful weapon, to prove your point.
You'll experience it in your solitude,
Can't Expressable and explainable
But only you can feel that heaven,
Your silence will be Understand by the one who loved you by their heart.
Only those who treasure you will listen to your silence
Try to express your hurt in silence,
Try to express your anger in silence,
It's a powerful scream which will give true wisdom and it will be the best reply.
Try to be silent-
When someone tries to tell you something,
When you think someone is lying to you,
When you are experiencing a beautiful moment,
And on silent days,
I wish to be more than a Poet and want to be a Poem.
© nilacibi