

A love poem
I wanted to write you a love poem
Composed of such words
That when I read it to you
It would be like each alphabet
Was dipped in honey.
My mind-my imagination
Failed to conjure such phrases and clauses.
My creation inspired by you
Would rival that of Romeo and Juliet
Their story would look pale next to ours.
When I attempted to put pen to paper
All that I could think about
Was the feel of your lips on my skin
The touch of your hand on my inner thigh.
My knees wobbled like jelly
As such images came to mind
They made my heart race
My breath catch
My body temperature rise and cool
As I become feverish.
I tried to think of great adjectives
To describe you
In my work of art.
All that I could think about
Was running my nails down your back
Pressing against
A certain hardness of yours
Your hands on my chest.
I wanted to write you
A love poem
With rhyming words
In the first and last line
Of each stanza
All that I could think about
Was lying beside you
With your arms wrapped
Lovingly around me
The only words that came to mind
Love - desire - lust!

© NasibaLizzie