

organization 13
I'm here for the people and I'm here for myself,
I'm here for a reason and that reason is to help
Anybody I can that is sick of being tortured,
Putting people's motives in motion as I'm changing their views of distortion,
I'm soaring like sora and beating down the heartless,
but I'm just a nobody you can call me roxas,
this pencil is my keyblade and I keep it sharpened,
taking life to great heights no magic carpet.
Thirteen thousand organizations all polluting society,
monitoring our lives were losing all our privacy.
Smart phones and social networks we use to connect,
the government uses to collect our information they swore to protect.
Instead they inspect our lives through the internet,
Our rights are lies they take advantage of our innocence.
Nothing is private anymore were all victims and don't even know it.,
they can pinpoint where we are at any given moment.
There using us like pawns in their twisted little chess game, manipulating us to think someday we can make a real change.
They say this is the land of the free and the home of the brave,
but in reality were all still slaves.
Working our jobs just call that our cotton fields,
trying to go further but its like we're stuck in a hamster wheel,
Dear mister president it's us your suppose to represent,
but the problems you said you'd fix you obviously haven't yet,
cuz the rich are still rich and the poor you still neglected,
so in effect you have lost most of my respect,
but I bet that's something you never sweat,
as long as your getting a portion of everyone's check.
Hypocritical on a whole other level I consider it criminal,
Say we're all integral but really just residuals.
The government is just money hungry soulless individuals,
that hide behind there political principles.
They look down on us like we're all a bunch of ants,
with their magnify glass they watch us struggle and just sit back and laugh.
with a grin on their face they watch the world go to waste,
saying they want to give but all they do is take,
its a shame they can't relate the pain they create,
They sit and they instigate hate into our brains,
so really they're the ones to blame when we retaliate.
So maybe they should evaluate there own damn actions,
and see what we have to tolerate and if it gives them satisfaction.
But it Don't matter no matter what we try to do,
they always find a way to justify and stretch the truth.
Twisting point of views leaving us confused ,
it's never the full story that they show us on the news.
We're all being used by the the power they abuse,
saying they want to help when their the issue.
But sadly this problem has no solution,
just wicked illusions and constant delusions
They keep us blind invisible to the naked eye,
Its been this way since the start of time it's become normal to our lives
I'm sorry to say it but were all living a lie.
But until I die I will be fighting against those organizations to create inspiration to lure ppl away from the wicked abominations that the government has created,
mild stipulations they force into situations and after the confrontations they say it was just a minor miscommunication.
When really all they're doing is avoiding consultation while destroying our education just so they can have vacations.
And they wonder why there is so much retaliation.
After all our admiration we still have no liberation.
But I will fight against the system break out this prison they got us living in.
This world has become a death game like SAO our destruction is imminent.
But ill be kirito going head to toe with every deadly foe,
so that everybody knows they can beat us down but will never kill our souls.
So through these lyrics I put my spirit I hope you hear it hope they fear it,
so Fuck Your appearance on my appearance my perseverance is what got me here isn't it.
Fucking right it is if you want hope I'm writing it,
odds still against me forever fighting it,
I'll speak my mind tongue never biting it.
Writing every word to cope this pad is my Vicodin.
And I'm addicted to spitting an image the world can see,
vividly giving a vision to help you all believe.
That we can make a change and break the chains they got wrapped around our feet,
fight through the pain and make it through the rain and start to gain as we finally feel free.