

Fighting inner feelings
Everyday the abuse is getting worse
He no longer cares about how bad he hurts
His need for fulfillment comes first
But the problem
It's a endless pit
He's dealing with inner demons
For this no quick fix
He's in denial
About the main thing he deeply desires
And that's the love of a man
His deepest battle
So he runs to the streets
And fills his veins with poison
To try and erase how he feels inside
But it's not working
He has to go home to his family
His wife and kids
And live a life that neither one of them are happy with
He smiles but he's crying inside
Trying to hide
There is no escape from the world
of people who will judge him for how he feels
He knows each time he injects
he body with the drugs
It's doing nothing for him but causing more pain
He just wishes he could live his true life and take the pain away
He knows noone will understand what he is going through
You have it all they'll say man what is wrong with you
So he lives day to day
And just keeps it to himself
I rather just live this lie
Becuase the truth will destroy everyone else
© Amy Morgan 2020